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Friday, November 19, 2010


Life has been changing so fast around me. Seriously. Life as we knew it has totally been rearranged. Greg is starting a new job. I just found out that my part time position at work has been eliminated, due to them needing a full time person. So much change.

As you can see from the picture, my little guy isn't so little anymore. I swear he's growing and changing so much right before my eyes. He's turning into a boy - a sweet, caring, entertaining little guy. He has made his Mommy and Daddy so happy and so grounded during all of these changes. I'm so thankful for his patience with us while we've been stressed.

Forgive me, yet again, blogland friends. I'm trying... I'm trying...

I WILL be a regular blogger... some day... I hope any of you that read my blog still come out here and check every once in a while just to see if I'm still here! :)