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Sunday, September 4, 2011

So Long, Farewell....

Ok, so I probably should've done this a long time ago... I am going to stop blogging. Oh, wait, I did do that a long time ago! (Not intentionally, but it happens...) I'm going to say 'goodbye' to this site. I'm kinda tired of it. I've had my fun, and well, I have a lot more to keep up on! I'm going to try out Blurb and make my blog into a book to keep. Hopefully my old blog is still up and I can get that one printed too.

Thank you to all who have checked this thing every once in a while for updates... I'm so thankful for your comments and the time you took to read it. If you have Facebook, catch me on there... I'd love to get to still chat with you!

Much Love,
Gabe's Mom, Greg's Wife, and Wish I Might.