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Tuesday, June 1, 2010


See this beautiful lady in the pictures? I'm very proud to call her my sister and she is carrying my little niece. I found out yesterday, that Jenny & Rene chose me to be the baby's Madrina, or, her god mother.
I was so happy. I started crying. I'm not one that cries very easily, but I was so touched. I am so happy for Jenny & Rene as they start their family together, and being a Madrina, well, I am honored to have a role like this in their child's life. I've never been a god mother before and I am not really sure what the role entails. I have been doing a little research just so I can help to honor Rene's side of the family. I'd like to share in the culture and history with them. Jenny had a really nice bridal shower yesterday with Rene's family. We played games, had great food, and really had a nice time.
I can't wait for the baby to get here. It's so hard to believe that in less than 10 weeks, she will be!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures as always, great job Bri! You are a gift from God to your son and I am positive you will also be a gift to your niece and teach her about your amazing faith. Its very respectful and admirable of you to honor Rene's family and learn things to teach her from that as well :)
