I'm a pinner. I could be considered a pin-aholic. Pinterest is a huge time-suck for me. I was a pinner before there was a Pinterest, it's true. I got this nifty little folio from my aunt and began naming the different sections with things I loved that I saw in magazines or online. My collection grew and grew.
Here's one of my old school "boards". I'm not a typical gift giver. I hate giving gift cards (almost refuse to do it!) but instead love to make things for others or visit the amazing Etsy. I tend to be finicky, wanting a person's gift to be perfect for them, so sometimes I can shop forever. I love getting the reaction, "Where did you find that?" or "Oh, I'd never thought of that!". It's funny because some of my relatives will now say, "Let me guess, you got this from Pinterest!". I love it.
Pinterest is not a good site for someone like me! Seriously, when the boys are in bed, I'm up late at night relaxing with a little Netflix and Pinterest. Thank heavens for two computer screens! Pinterest up on one and Netflix on the other. Recently, stand up comedies have been popular for me. Gotta love a little Ralphie May...
Looking for gifts on Pinterest is fun, but so is looking for new ideas, recipes, etc... You know what kind of stinks though? Everyone is on Pinterest now. So, those neat original ideas aren't really neat and original now! :) You know the pins I'm talking about... Like projects that have been done over and over... You know those first pins you put on Pinterest and now you can't hit 'See More Pins' without seeing them? And, then there's the Pinterest guilt - which is calling someone out on something you THINK is from Pinterest and it really isn't - Like tonight, I went to a friend's 31 party. She made these appetizers. Before I could say, "These are great!" I didn't even attempt to give her credit, I just beamed at her and said, "Oh goodness! I saw these on Pinterest too! They're awesome!" Geez, Bri. Give the gal some credit! Turns out, she hadn't gotten them on Pinterest, she's actually made them since way before Pinterest. Wha? Life before Pinterest?
Pinterest is kinda becoming a giant beast. :)
In other news, I just got this Smash book today! I've been wanting one for a while. Inside are nifty looking pages that you can basically journal on, plop pictures on, and creatively decorate. A glorified, messier scrapbook. Love it. This Smash book will be for me though. More about my feelings, my experiences, my marriage, my friends, etc... Gabe has a lot of albums. I'm looking forward to filling it with pages about me and bits and pieces of my life as a wife, sister, daughter, and friend.
Lastly, and totally off topic, I am in love with this song right now. To many it's old, to me it's new... I don't get out much.
Just listen to it... the video is kinda weird.
Oh, and saw this Jason Mraz quote the other day and loved it:
"Because I have (insert name here) for a friend, I know I'm awesome." Had to share that with my bestie this week.
Peek a boo... I've been gone for a while, haven't I? There are the normal excuses that life has been busy (which it has), I've been lazy (which I kind of have), and I've been uninspired. I have had a lot on my mind lately, but I haven't been out here because I didn't want to share it all. Life's been pretty hard the last couple of months and if it's on my mind, I'm going to want to write about it. So, I've purposefully stayed off the blog.
I've grown a lot in the last couple of months. I've learned so much about myself from just taking some time off and really examining myself and who I want to be. I've found that I'm just too much of a people-pleaser and I care far too much about what people think. It's quite freeing to start thinking about who you want to be and not trying to be what you think other people want you to be. It's also quite freeing to know that you're never going to please everyone, so you might as well do what makes you happy. I've also had a couple of confrontations in the last couple of months which have produced growing pains, but have made me so much stronger. I spoke up to a couple of people that have always made me feel insecure.
Being 'free' is the word that keeps coming back to me. Just being free to be myself and understand that the ones who live in my home are my family. Their opinion of me and their input on my decisions is what matters most. I have a loving, supportive husband that reassures me, backs me one hundred percent (110%...inside joke), and just plain sees me for the person I am and I'm trying to be. I have a son who loves his mom and wants to spend time with her. I am very blessed.
I know this post is rather vague. I am ready to start blogging more consistently now that I've moved on through those growing pains. I hope to really start opening up more on here and talking about feeling insecure, not worth it, etc... I think it's something a lot of people struggle with. I know I have. But, I'm moving out of that... I'm trying to leave it behind. Growing pains are rough, but they make you stronger.